• Pages: 94
  • Formats Available: Paperback, Kindle
  • Release Date: November 9, 2023

Intercessors for Revival & the Return of the Lord

In the early 1800s, Daniel Nash changed history with his intercession to see one of the greatest moves of the Holy Spirit in America. Nash would enter a city before Charles Finney to pray and fast, and hundreds of thousands would come into the Kingdom.

My wife, Dana, and I were so impacted that we named our son after him. After the death of our son, I began to ask God to bring forth our inheritance. Soon after, a friend sent me a dream that God was raising up an army of Nasharites to combat darkness.

These would be men and women, young and old, gripped with the spirit of prayer to see revival touch their families, churches, and cities. This book outlines their DNA. I believe it will mark you and equip you to grow in the spirit of prayer for revival.

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